Case Study: SQL Safe Backup

IDERA helps PPG Industries reduce SQL Server backup storage costs by over 70 percent

PPG Industries, a leading global supplier of coatings, glass, fiber glass and chemicals, has reduced storage costs for its SQL Server database backups by over 70 percent using SQL Safe Backup, IDERA’s high performance backup and recovery solution for SQL Server

SQL Safe Backup enables PPG Industries Senior Database Administrator, Pat Mong, to more effectively and efficiently backup SQL Server databases across the United States and Canada. Because PPG has huge amounts of important research and financial data in SQL Server databases, it is critical that each database gets backed up every night and can quickly be restored as needed. In addition to reducing the amount of time and expense for SQL Server backups, the management information provided by SQL Safe Backup helps PPG monitor backups and ensure that they are performed on time and without errors.


Pat Mong of PPG Industries has spent 28 years working in large scale computer environments. For the last 12 years he has been working on Microsoft servers, primarily SQL Server. Several years ago, as SQL Server began to proliferate throughout PPG’s IT infrastructure, they found that backups were a challenge. “We were simply running out of space for backups. We back up every database, every day, typically in the evening,” said Mong. “We started using native SQL Server backup, but as the number of servers and databases scaled, we simply ran out of time and storage. Finally, things got really difficult because we were forced to back up servers across the wire. It would often take us five hours or more perform a single backup. Because adding more staff wasn’t an option, we began looking for a solution that would help us perform backups more effectively.”

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