Idera ER/Studio Enterprise Edition Data Modeling Tools for Enterprise-Scale Data Architecture

Database Modeling Tools for Enterprise Data Modeling and Governance

Drive Innovation and Collaboration with Enterprise Data Modeling Software

Data modelers and architects are tasked with the mission-critical task of taking requirements for data assets and translating those into implementable designs. This has to be with control and within a data governance framework. Whether you are creating a new model from a conceptual model or modifying an existing asset by making changes to reverse-engineered model, user-friendly data architecture and design tools make the following data modeling use cases quicker, easier, more accurate, and more collaborative:

  • Performing change management and impact analyses of new policies or projected changes to data models, databases, or data fields.
  • Ensuring consistency between data models and database design while coordinating changes across development and BI teams and enabling a collaborative data modeling approach.
  • Laying the foundation for robust data governance, data governance frameworks, and data management.
  • Building a company-wide Business Glossary to define and catalog data assets and data structures.
  • Forward and Reverse Engineering

    Use ER/Studio Data Architect to generate source code from existing databases, construct graphical models from existing database or schema, and easily apply design changes with generated ALTER code.

  • “Where Used” Analysis

    Display mapping between conceptual and logical models and their implementations across physical designs.

  • Visual Data Lineage

    Visually document source/target mapping and sourcing rules for data movement across systems.

  • Data Dictionary Standardization

    Define and enforce standard data elements, naming standards and reference values for use across and between data models.

  • Database Model and Metadata Documentation

    Model data from numerous data types, as well as relational, NoSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, mySQL, big data, file based systems, business intelligence and ETL sources.

  • Business Data Objects

    Represent master data and transactional concepts with multiple entities and relationships, such as products, customers, and vendors.

  • Advanced Compare and Merge

    Enable advanced, bidirectional comparisons and merges of model and database structures.

  • Naming Standards

    Automatically apply a naming standards template across logical and physical models by binding it to models, submodels, entities and attributes.

  • Process Model Creation

    Design straightforward process models that use standard elements such as events, tasks, gateways, pools/swim lanes, choreographies and conversations, using BPMN 2.0 notation.

  • Process Validation

    Validate your business processes based on BPMN 2.0 standards (in real time or as needed).

  • Conceptual Model Creation

    Create high-level conceptual models using elements such as subject areas, business entities, interactions, and relationships.

  • Import/Export Capabilities

    Easily export conceptual models to ER/Studio Data Architect to create logical models, and import logical data models from Data Architect.

  • Model Driven Architecture and Standards

    ER/Studio Software Architect supports Unified Modeling Language™, XML Metadata Interchange (XMI®), Query / Views / Transformations (QVT) and Object Constraint Language (OCL).

  • Model Patterns

    Powerful re-use facilities to jumpstart projects through predefined patterns.

  • Round-Trip Database Support

    Perform native forward and reverse engineering for multiple RDBMS and big data platforms, both on premises and in the cloud. Extensive platform support is enabled through native and database-specific ODBC connections.

  • Import Bridges

    Import model information from BI, ETL, and NoSQL platforms, other modeling tools, and industry-standard metadata interchange formats.

  • Export Bridges

    Easily export your models to BI, ETL, other modeling tools, and industry-standard exchange formats such as XMI, XML, XSD, PNG, and JPEG.

  • Data Lineage Visibility

    Leverage visualization for source-target mapping and sourcing rules designed in an external Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) tool or Data Integration (DI) tool.

  • ETL/DI Tool Integration

    Import mapping requirements information to the lineage model from most of the leading ETL and DI tools.

  • Model Storage and Publication

    Store files in the shared model Repository and publish them to Team Server for viewing, when working with the Enterprise Team Edition.

  • Concurrent Model and Object Access

    Allows real-time collaboration between modelers working on data models down to the model object level with token-based check-in/check-out

  • Reviewing Changes and Resolving User Conflict

    Resolve conflicts through simple and intelligent interfaces to walk users through the discovery of differences.

  • Agile Change Management

    Assign and track tasks associated with data models to align changes to user stories and development workflows; view and edit tasks in both Data Architect and Team Server, and link projects and tasks to JIRA records

  • Version Management

    Manages the individual histories of models and model objects to ensure incremental comparison between, and rollback to, desired diagrams.

  • Component Sharing and Reuse

    Predefined Enterprise Data Dictionary eliminates data redundancy and enforces data element standards.

  • Universal Mappings

    Map between and within conceptual, logical and physical model objects to view upstream or downstream, and specify metadata such as definitions, notes, and attachments

  • Interactive Model Image Navigator

    View the data model image interactively within the Team Server web interface, including zoom, search, and re-positioning functions.

  • Team Collaboration

    Apply enterprise collaboration features such as activity and discussion streams, to capture and share corporate knowledge and reduce time identifying and correcting data quality issues.

  • Enterprise Glossary

    View, classify, relate and centrally store authoritative business definitions in an extensible enterprise glossary of business terms, and associate terms with models and submodels to answer the important question, “What data do I have, and where is it?”

  • Ontology and Taxonomy

    Arrange business terms into comprehensive ontologies and taxonomies to provide a business-friendly knowledge graph of the metadata of the organization.

  • Semantic Mapping

    Relate business terms to critical data elements including tables, columns, entities and attributes, and view associated Universal Mappings in the detailed description

  • Data Catalog

    Create and view a single searchable registry of all available created or imported data sources.

  • Data Source Mappings

    Track and analyze the impact of data model changes back to affected data sources.

  • Advanced Search

    Easily search and filter results for data objects, data sources, glossaries, and terms.

  • Centralized Reporting

    More than 20 out-of-the-box reports and a reporting wizard for ad hoc reports that can be exported to several formats and shared.

  • Security Center Groups

    Streamline security administration with local or LDAP groups.

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Frequently-Asked Questions

Data modeling tools speed and improve the process of creating and managing a data model, or a logical database structure, offering robust functionality to support SQL scripts, provide code automation, offer consistency across databases and models, and perform impact analyses on changes at the database level. There are also open-source data modeling tools, but they generally don't offer the functionality required by most modern enterprises.

ER/Studio allows you to easily implement a naming standards template to your model, submodel, entities, and attributes. Those naming standards will be applied automatically between the logical and physical models, simplifying the data modeling process and ensuring consistency between models. With Data Architect Professional, you can also integrate model elements into reusable constructs via a built-in enterprise data dictionary.

IDERA’s ER/Studio suite of data modeling and architecture tools enables IT teams to create the foundation of a viable data governance program, fostering collaboration that’s required to define enterprise data resources business-wide. Instituting a strong data governance policy is critical to maintaining airtight data security. Data governance helps organizations identify data that is at risk, locate sensitive data, identify sensitive data users, and ensure safer access.

A data governance framework is a set of rules, processes, and role delegations aimed at ensuring everyone within an organization understands how to use and organize data. ER/Studio makes it simple, easy, and intuitive to implement naming conventions and other guidelines to form the base of a robust data governance framework.

The Model Repository for ER/Studio Data Architect Professional provides modelers with real-time collaboration features for sharing and re-using assets across data modeling projects. ER/Studio Data Architect users can connect to the same repository to work on models simultaneously and leverage features including an enterprise data dictionary (EDD), version control, and change management. Repository-based collaborative modeling provides modeling teams significant advantages, including:

  • Controlled access to data models and projects in a collaborative environment
  • Ability to display, access, and reuse common elements across models
  • Granular check-out and check-in of diagrams, sub-models, and objects
  • Conflict resolution at check-in to eliminate model differences
  • Alignment of modeling changes to development tasks and workflows
  • Clear and effective change tracking and audit trail for compliance
  • Version management for objects and models with named releases
  • Secure access to all assets to maintain data model integrity and privacy

A "good" data model is one that can be easily consumed, is scalable, provides reliably predictable performance, and is agile, able to adapt to changes in requirements.

A data model in SQL is a means of organizing and representing data stored in a SQL database, such as SQLite, SqlDBM, PostgreSQL, or Microsoft SQL Server. Data models ensure consistency in naming conventions, security, and semantics, making it easier to ensure data quality and more intuitive to work with the data.

A data model is typically created using two sets of guidelines: the business requirements, and the data at hand. Data models all serve a business purpose, and they should be created and tailored to fit that purpose. A tool like Idera ER/Studio helps streamline the process of identifying the overlap between data and business requirements and building a model that accurately addresses those needs.

ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition Product Benefits

Data Architecture

Build a better business-driven enterprise data architecture

ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition combines the feature-rich round-trip data modeling capabilities of ER/Studio Data Architect with process and conceptual modeling in ER/Studio Business Architect, a secure model and metadata repository, a collaboration hub for business glossaries, a change management center, and an extensive selection of import and export bridges to access numerous data sources, to provide a comprehensive enterprise architecture suite.

Document business processes in an easy-to-read diagram with BPMN 2.0 conventions

ER/Studio Business Architect enables business architects and analysts to easily model the relationships between people, processes, and data with the BPMN 2.0 standard. Use process models to define business operations, including key activities, tasks, and decision points. Use conceptual models to define key subject areas that need to be documented for implementing the business process.

Document Business
Securely Store

Securely store your data models and manage versions in the Repository

The ER/Studio Repository provides a secure and scalable environment for model and object version management. Token-based check-in and check-out ensures that users in virtualized environments have easy access to stored models. The integrated Security Center allows you to manage Groups, Users, and Roles, and assign permissions to Repository projects, diagrams, and diagram objects.

Create business glossaries with detailed terms and definitions

The ER/Studio Team Server glossaries contain detailed information for business terms and definitions for the entire organization. Business terms are associated with relevant data objects to give business meaning to the technical information. Audit trails are automatically generated for changes made to the business glossaries or their terms, providing details for compliance and governance reports.

Business Glossaries
Manage Models

Manage model changes and associate them with JIRA projects

Change management projects can be created, viewed, and edited in ER/Studio Team Server and also associated with existing Atlassian JIRA projects for increased visibility. Track the status and progress of tasks and update the details for individual tasks to ensure data models stay aligned with database and application development efforts using a sprint-based workflow.

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