Case Study: ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition

Catalina Established Modeling Standards for their Data Warehouse with ER/Studio


Catalina delivers real-time insights to manufacturers from point of sales systems, enabling the delivery of targeted coupons and promotions to consumers. Catalina leverages one of the world’s largest, transaction-level, shopper-data warehouses to develop, deliver, and measure shopper and patient-driven engagements to approximately 90M households and 130M health consumers, annually. Analytics within the database help Catalina to make accurate predictions.


Although Catalina maintains some of the largest, most advanced and complex databases in the world for its business, the company’s data modeling tools were not keeping pace. The development team was searching for a new toolset that could provide broader and better DBMS support. Additionally, the team needed an automated web-based interface for the data models to provide more visibility and allow self-service browsing and searching of the data structures for developers and business users.

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