Case Study: ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition

Entrust Relies on ER/Studio for Documenting and Modeling Databases


Entrust provides identity-based security solutions for strong authentication, fraud detection, digital certificates, SSL and public key infrastructure (PKI) to more than 5,000 organizations spanning 60 countries. Entrust’s leadership in the development of PKI was the catalyst for today’s enterprise and consumer security architecture. Now, Entrust solutions help address the security challenges with a focus on cloud and mobile security, physical and logical access, citizen eID initiatives and certificate management.


Entrust needed to optimize time and resources by eliminating manual tasks associated with data modeling and reverse engineering. Business Architect Jason Soroko began to search for a data modeling tool suite that could provide reverse engineering and process documentation. For Soroko, the database entity diagrams were essential, because they would allow him to demonstrate the complexity of his team’s efforts and secure the additional resources he needed.

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