Case Study: DBArtisan

Fortune 500 Retailer Simplifies Database Management with DBArtisan


A database engineer needed a comprehensive database management tool to keep operations running smoothly for a global clothing and accessories retailer, where he is part of the distribution center product team. The retailer’s IT environment includes approximately 150 production databases across a mix of platforms including SQL Server, MySQL, and Oracle that support the company’s warehouse management and fulfillment systems. At any given time there may be hundreds of concurrent users on these systems, which are managed by a team of database administrators located across multiple distribution centers that handle online order shipments and in-store inventory replenishment. If the retailer’s databases go down and impact their warehouse and fulfillment systems’ operations, things can get very expensive, very quickly. Previously, the team relied on an OEM tool that required going to multiple user interfaces to manage their databases, causing a drain on valuable time and resources.

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