Case Study: ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition

Newmont Mining Standardized their Data Modeling Practices with ER/Studio


One of six Fortune 500 companies in Colorado, Newmont Mining is among the world’s top gold producers. As the market price for gold and copper continue to rise to record levels, Newmont has seen tremendous success and growth; their employee base has reached over 30,000 people. With so much at stake, accurate data is essential for efficient, profitable operations. Newmont’s IT department must maintain numerous technologies, business intelligence software, computing platforms and security systems to keep data accessible, protected and useful. As part of this effort, data modeling is a key function.


When Newmont’s database developers became aware of limitations within the installed data warehousing and modeling toolsets, they searched for a more comprehensive solution for creating accurate data models that would help them to respond quickly and efficiently to their changing business needs. They needed to increase productivity of and collaboration among data architects, modelers and developers. Features such as reverse engineering, model merge and auto-layout algorithms, as well as easy navigation and a web-based portal for quick searching and reporting, are essential for managing their Teradata data warehousing platform.

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