
Protect your data with IDERA

Although a majority of CEOs are concerned about cyber security, 87% of CIOs believe that their security controls are failing to protect their business. What are you doing to protect your data assets?

IDERA can help! SQL Secure
  • Analyze and report user permissions to identify vulnerabilities in SQL Server and Azure environments.
  • Analyze password health of SQL Server logins and report on weak or blank passwords that increase risk.
  • Show all security related properties for servers including version and patch level.
SQL Compliance Manager
  • Monitor and alert on suspicious activity to detect and track problems and stop potential threats.
  • Audit sensitive data in your SQL Server environment to see who did what, when, where, and how.
  • Demonstrate compliance for audits against PCI, HIPAA, FERPA, and SOX requirements.
DB Change Manager
  • Audit database configurations to check for security liabilities and performance standards.
  • Perform database testing while protecting sensitive data with data masking.
  • Schema and configuration archives provide a historical record for compliance auditing and reporting.
SQL Safe Backup
  • Database backups with personal data can be encrypted with AES and purged on a schedule via policies.
  • Restore backups quickly (including almost instantly).
  • Log information for auditing for each backup, restore, or merge.
Keep your SQL Servers safe and secure with IDERS’s award-winning solutions.

Did you know?

Interesting statistics on data security, data breaches and data privacy.
  • Only 4% of data breaches were ‘Secure Breaches’ where encryption was used and the stolen data was rendered useless.
  • 52% of organizations that suffered cyber attacks in 2016 are not making any security changes in 2017.
  • 87% of CIOs believe their security controls are failing to protect their business.
  • Only 28% of global organizations claim they are prepared for a cyber attack.
Industry specific facts:
  • 42% of cyber attacks target small business.
  • 70% of US oil and gas companies were hacked last year.
  • 75% of the healthcare industry has been infected with malware in the last year.
  • 95% of breached records in 2016 came from government, retail and technology.
Financial implications:
  • The average cost of a data breach in 2020 will exceed $150 million.
  • GDPR sanctions can cost a company up to 20M Euro or 4% of annual revenue.
  • 90% of CIOs admit to wasting millions on inadequate cyber security.

Protect your data with IDERA Solutions

SQL Secure is a security analysis solution that identifies SQL Server security violations and ensures security policies are enforced. SQL Secure gives DBAs the control to identify who has access to what and each user’s effective rights across all SQL Server objects. Learn More →

SQL Compliance Manager is a comprehensive auditing solution that uses policy-based algorithms to track changes to your SQL Server objects and data. SQL Compliance Manager gives you detailed visibility to determine who did “what”, “when”, “where”, and “how”, whether the event is initiated by privileged users or hackers. Learn More →

DB Change Manager is an essential database change management tool for DBAs and database professionals. It uniquely offers automated compare and synchronization capabilities to simplify change operations. Rapidly identify changes, streamline upgrades to new releases and pinpoint environmental differences resulting from changes at the data, schema and database configuration levels. Learn More →

SQL Safe Backup provides a high-performance backup and recovery solution for SQL server databases. It reduces database backup time by up to 50% over native SQL backups and reduces backup disk space requirements by up to 95% through its state-of-the-art compression and encryption technologies. Learn More →

Start SQL Secure for FREE Start SQL Compliance Manager for FREE Start DB Change Manager for FREE Start SQL Safe for FREE
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