
For more information, please refer to Datasheet: ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition .



Why use IDERA ER/Studio?

The ultimate collaborative enterprise data architecture and modeling solution

IDERA ER/Studio is a powerful modeling and metadata collaboration solution that helps you design a business-driven data architecture.

Define your architecture: Document your enterprise architecture with business processes, entities, and data flows that accurately represent your organization and its priorities.

Go deeper with data models: Build a solid data architecture foundation with logical and physical transactional and dimensional models, to maximize corporate data value.

Import existing data stores: Incorporate your active data stores into the data models quickly and easily with reverse engineering, to leverage work that has already been done.

Establish standards: Improve comprehension by applying naming standards templates to your models, for consistent nomenclature between the logical and physical layers.

Collaborate on metadata: Capture business terms and their definitions in a central metadata repository where key stakeholders can access and contribute to corporate knowledge.

Enable data analytics: Enable business intelligence and analytics by mapping data lineage for sources, targets, and transformations for enterprise data.

Manage model revisions: Track model changes associated with development tasks and user stories, and manage versions using the integrated model repository.

Improve data consistency: Make it easier for DBAs and developers to align their work with the defined data architecture for better visibility and consistency.

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Why Use IDERA ER/Studio?

IDERA ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition is a powerful modeling and metadata collaboration solution that helps you design a business-driven data architecture. With ER/Studio you can document your enterprise architecture with business processes, entities, and data flows that accurately represent your organization and its priorities. Build a solid data architecture foundation with logical and physical transactional and dimensional models, to maximize corporate data value and incorporate your active data stores into the data models quickly and easily with reverse engineering, to leverage work that has already been done.

IDERA ER/Studio is able to capture business terms and their definitions in a central metadata repository where key stakeholders can access and contribute to corporate knowledge and make it easier for DBAs and developers to align their work with the defined data architecture for better visibility and consistency. You can track model changes associated with development tasks and user stories, and manage versions using the integrated model repository. Learn More at →

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