Problematic SQL queries and indexes can severely reduce the performance of relational databases and the business-critical applications that they support. Database administrators and developers need to find and fix performance issues for SQL queries proactively before they affect end-users.

In this video, learn how to profile databases with wait time analysis, tune queries via visual diagrams, analyze indexes, and identify bottlenecks with load testing in simulated production environments with DB Optimizer.

How To Tune Problematic SQL Queries To Improve Database Performance

Learn how to profile databases with wait time analysis, tune queries via visual diagrams, analyze indexes, and identify bottlenecks with load testing in simulated production environments with DB Optimizer.

IDERA DB Optimizer is an automated SQL optimization tool that maximizes database and application performance by quickly discovering, diagnosing, and optimizing poor-performing SQL code. DB Optimizer empowers DBAs and Developers to eliminate performance bottlenecks by graphically profiling key metrics inside the database, relating resource utilization to specific queries, and helping to visually tune problematic SQL. Learn More →

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