In this video, discover how to document a database as part of a data governance initiative, including browsing Business Glossary within ER/Studio and classifying data modeling assets against the Business Glossary.

Learn how to reverse engineer a database then document the physical model with business friendly metadata using IDERA’s ER/Studio in this video series:

Part 1: Documenting a Database with ER/Studio - Overview

Part 2: Document a Database As Part of a Localized Initiative with ER/Studio

Part 3: Document a Database As Part of a Broader Data Modeling Initiative with ER/Studio

Part 4: Document a Database As Part of a Data Governance Initiative with ER/Studio

Document a Database As Part of a Data Governance Initiative with ER/Studio

In this video, discover how to document a database as part of a data governance initiative, including browsing Business Glossary within ER/Studio and classifying data modeling assets against the Business Glossary.

ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition is the leading business-driven data architecture solution that combines multi-platform data modeling, business process modeling, and enterprise metadata for organizations of all sizes. With an extensive feature set, the ER/Studio suite provides robust logical and physical modeling with ER/Studio Data Architect, business process and conceptual modeling with ER/Studio Business Architect, business glossaries with ER/Studio Team Server, and more, to build the foundation for data governance programs. Learn More →

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