Learn how to install Precise's Framework Server.

With Precise, users can track the performance of application transactions into relational databases for multiple platforms from a single user interface.

Precise works by tracking the path of transactions through all tiers of virtual and physical infrastructure and stores both the business context and performance details in a centralized repository, the Precise Management Database (PMDB). The software then correlates transactions with users, databases, devices, files, and objects being accessed to identify performance problems anywhere within the environment.

Once identified, Precise isolates the root cause of the problem and enables you to drill into the transaction details including which server, method call, SQL query, or storage device is causing the problem. These performance issues are then mapped back to the business unit or application experiencing the problem. Precise can also compare the problem against a knowledge base of best practices that has been fine-tuned over years and can automatically recommend fixes to help optimize your application stack.

The benefits of Precise include:

  • End-to-end transaction visibility quickly isolates issues anywhere in the stack
  • Recommended corrective actions speed time to resolution
  • Historical analysis and trending discovers potential issues before they occur
  • Database stores contextual details to correlate transactions with business issues
  • Scalable performance for mission-critical business processes
  • Multi-platform support spans a diverse range of system clients

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