

Hi, good afternoon. Today, I am going to show you an overview of some of the configuration possibilities of the diagnostic manager dashboards. These are the dashboards that are displayed when you click open on a server or the entire cluster manager. To customize dashboards, click on the customize button in the ribbon bar here. This will open up the dashboard development area, with the current dashboard pre-loaded. You can work with this dashboard, making the required changes, and either event with the existing name you are writing it or the new name thus creating a new dashboard. You can have as many dashboards as you wish. And you can select different dashboards to either customize or to work with and allocate to the current instance just by clicking on the select dashboard ready button here.

When designing a dashboard, you can select from a variety of different layouts, perhaps based on the target display device, the target users, or maybe to allow our focused data display. In my current dashboard, I have selected a two-column by four-row layout. But as you can see, there are a variety of layouts available. So a dashboard is an agglomeration of panels where our panels are clustered together relating to a given topic. So for example CPU or memory etc. In this dashboard, it is organized with the OS [operating system] matrix on the left-hand side and the SQL metrics on the right. But I can easily change the sister line just by clicking and dragging panels around as I wish. So for example, once in the designer, I had this list of available panels on the right-hand side, and I can drag and drop panels from there to where I want them to place them as well. Unless you see you can have duplicate panels if you so wish. If I drag and drop existing panels, they will just swap locations. If I drag a new panel from the right-hand side onto the canvas, if there is a panel already there, it will just be replaced. Once I am happy with the design, I can click on save, and I will be asked for the dashboard name. And if I choose an existing name, I will be asked to overwrite it. And I can also allocate this dashboard to the appropriate service. Note if I have made some changes, but I do not click to save it here, those changes will just be applied to the dashboard for this session. They will not be kept long term.

So some other features you might find useful you can use these two controls up here to maximize the amount of screen space by collapsing the sidebar and the ribbon. This is very useful if you are displaying the dashboard, for example, on a kiosk-style console. You can adjust the time range displayed in the charts. Currently, I am displaying an hour's worth of data. This is adjusted by using the history browser and then the set history range. Currently, as I said, I am splitting it now, but I give everything from 15 minutes right the way up to 4 weeks. Now if I choose custom, I can then select from here a particular time range that I wish to display if I am working with it. I could also use the click and drag option down here to wireframe an area, that is another way of selecting a custom range, to look forward.

The last thing to mention is that as you may have noticed on the right-hand side of these charts, we are displaying data related at a higher frequency. This is real-time data, and it is not stored for long-term use but is very useful to help with real-time resolutions of issues. The frequency and time period for this is controlled up here in the tools console options, where you can set the frequency that the data is collected and also how long the days for dispensing. Thank you very much, and hopefully, you found that useful.

How to Customize Dashboards with SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server

The initial dashboard overview that SQL Diagnostic Manager displays is entirely customizable with different categories of counters. Customize the dashboard for each monitored SQL Server instance by selecting the panels that are the most important to display. Define and save multiple dashboards to compare metrics across monitored instances. Customize the dashboard for the selected instance or as the default for all added instances. Set up different dashboards for different people, diverse use cases, and monitors of different sizes.

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