

Do you know who has access to your SQL Server environment? And what impact they might have? SQL Secure gives you the insight you need to keep your business safe. From discovering weak passwords to ensuring regulatory compliance. Its automated monitoring, analysis, and reporting. Replace manual processes that make database security so difficult. With SQL Secure, you can understand and manage all access, including privileged access, to your entire environment.

Value of SQL Secure

IDERA SQL Secure is a security analysis solution that identifies SQL Server security violations and ensures security policies are enforced. SQL Secure gives DBAs the control to identify who has access to what and each user’s effective rights across all SQL Server objects.

SQL Secure has a report catalog that tracks vulnerabilities, security changes and user entitlements over time. DBAs are able to view a complete history of SQL Server security settings and designate a baseline to compare against future changes by providing an audit trail for forensic analysis. The security report card feature in SQL Secure identifies top security vulnerabilities and categorizes them as high, medium or low risk. SQL Secure also has multiple customizable security templates include PCL, HIPAA, and FERPA to extract the necessary information needed for security requirements. Learn More →

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