Webcast : IDERA Live 2021 Session: Challenges and benefits of monitoring databases in the cloud presented

Presenter: Robert Agar
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Hybrid database environments consisting of on-premises and cloud instances can be challenging to monitor efficiently. Using the right tool can minimize the complexity of obtaining the necessary insight into your diverse database environment. This is important because of the benefits to the database team and organization on the whole that can result from effective monitoring. The information acquired through monitoring can lead to improved performance, stronger security, and greater availability by addressing capacity needs. We will look at a monitoring tool that supports multiple major relational databases from a unified interface.

About the presenter:

Robert Agar, spent a long and diverse career specializing in data backup, recovery, and compliance among other areas of the IT world. Tired of being woken up at all hours to provide support, he embarked on a new career as a freelance writer, focusing on various areas of the tech sector. Outside interests include music, sports, and poker. He shares his home office with two green-cheeked conures who suggest topics and engage in the occasional proofreading exercise.

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