Webcast : Do You Know Where Your Databases Are?

Presenter: Scott Stone
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As organizations transition to using cloud solutions in their database configurations, the number of databases being created throughout the company may increase drastically. Add to that the random databases created by siloed teams within an organization, plus those added to the mix from acquisitions and mergers, and DBAs have a major challenge to manage the entire database environment. How can you get a handle on how many databases really exist, what they are used for, and whether they are up to date for security patches?

IDERA’s Scott Stone will discuss the concerns and considerations for managing a diverse database environment and explain how SQL Inventory Manager can help you find and manage all of your database assets.

Speaker: Scott Stone manages IDERA’S database performance management products and has over twenty years of experience in product management and product marketing in the software and technology industry from small start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. For the past fifteen years, Scott has focused on development of database performance and security products at various companies. Earlier in his career, Scott was a software engineer in the space and defense industry. Scott holds an MBA from Rice University as well as bachelor’s and master’s degrees in electrical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

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