Webcast : Exploring the Plan Cache to Optimize SQL Server Performance

Presenter: Andy Warren
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Reusing compiled query plans is a key part of getting great performance. This session is about discovering how plans are cached and then looking into the cache to see which plans are used a lot (perhaps worth tuning those more), which are rarely used, and which plans are being compiled over and over again because the query is written in a way that keeps the optimizer from matching it to an existing plan. We'll look at how to evict a single plan from cache, talk about plan guides as a way to force the plan you want into cache, and do a brief look at the Query Store that was added in SQL 2016.

After this session you (or your DBA) will want to run a few queries to see what your plan cache looks like and you'll find some interesting stuff in the results!

Speaker(s): Andy Warren is a SQL Server consultant based in Orlando. Andy was a founding principal of SQLServerCentral.com, is the former President of the Orlando SQL Server Users Group, and one of the founders of SQLSaturday. He has been an MVP since 2009 and has written and presented extensively SQL Server. Andy blogs at www.sqlandy.com, is on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/sqlandy, and is occasionally on Twitter as @SQLAndy.

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