Geek Sync Webcast : Breaking Bad Habits: Solutions for Common Query Antipatterns

Presenter: Jeff Iannucci
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Your query returns the correct results, but even with supporting indexes it seems slow. Can it go any faster? In this session, we focus on T-SQL query antipatterns – commonly used techniques that are unintentionally counter-productive. Through an interactive story of user requests, we identify several antipatterns, examine what makes them troublesome, and show alternative methods to improve performance.

Speaker: Jeff Iannucci is a Senior Database Administrator for DriveTime in Tempe, AZ. He has over 20 years of SQL Server experience as both a DBA and Developer in diverse environments such as health care, finance, retail sales, and government. He writes about solving problems for database professionals on both twitter (@DesertDBA) and his blog (, and has been chosen as an IDERA ACE for 2020-2021.

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