Geek Sync Webcast : Building Better SQL Server Databases

Presenter: Eric Cobb
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Databases are often used as a simple container for storing information without much concern for the impact that a good, or bad, database design can have on application performance.

In this session, Eric Cobb will change that and show how you can design your SQL Server databases to make them scalable and more efficient. By taking a detailed look at database design, indexes, and common T-SQL mistakes, we will see how these things can affect resources and performance. We will discuss tips for serving up data faster, as well as things that can slow your queries down.

This session will provide direct explanations you can incorporate immediately into your daily development, without all the overly technical DBA mumbo-jumbo. Regardless of your skill level or programming language of choice, if you use SQL Server, this session is for you.

About Eric Cobb

After a 14-year programming career as a web and software developer, Eric Cobb moved full time into the world of databases and became a SQL Server database administrator. He earned two Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) certifications for SQL Server along the way. Eric now manages a team of SQL Server professionals. He regularly presents and blogs about SQL Server, with a focus on teaching database administration and design concepts to the developer community. He frequently speaks at developer and database conferences throughout the country. In 2019, IDERA selected Eric to be a 2020 IDERA ACE, for showing a passion for helping the developer community and sharing his knowledge.

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