Geek Sync Webcast : Looking "Normal" and Seeing "Stars": Table Designs Working Together

Presenter: Deborah Melkin
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Most database professionals know there are two different database design patterns - normal forms for OLTP databases and star schemas for data warehouses. We tend to discuss these separately. But these two designs actually work together when we create our table schemas.

In this session, we will review the basics of both normal forms and star schemas. We'll compare and contrast the two designs. We will then discuss how a normalized database design influences a star schema design and vice versa.

By the end of the session, you will better understand how using the two designs together gives you a greater insight to how you use your data throughout its lifecycle.

Speaker: Deborah Melkin has been working as a database professional with SQL Server for almost 20 years. She spends her days helping programmers with all aspects of database design, queries, performance, and deployment. In 2016, she began her blog, Deb the DBA. Soon after that, she began speaking at SQL Saturdays and user groups. Deborah is a board member of the New England SQL Server User group (NESQL) and was recently named as an IDERA ACE Class of 2020. She also won Speaker Idol at PASS Summit 2019. In her spare time, Deborah can usually be found doing something musical.

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