Geek Sync Webcast : A Perfect Ten: The Data Model

Presenter: Leslie Andrews
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Do you know what makes a great data model? What does it mean to be Third Normal Form or a Star Schema? When would you use one over the other and why? How can you identify bad designs? Join Leslie Andrews for a discussion on good and bad data models, and learn what you should do in order to create a perfect ten model of your own!

Speaker: Leslie Andrews is an IT professional with a passion for making improvements that help people to do their jobs more efficiently. She obtained her BBA with an MIS concentration from the Anderson School of Management at the University of New Mexico and has worked in the public sector for 15 years developing applications and databases. She enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, climbing, kettlebells, and reading epic fantasy; she is active in the SQL community, is a 2019 IDERA ACE, and on the Governing Board of a Charter School.

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