Geek Sync Webcast : The 4Cs of Effective Data Cataloging and Business Glossaries

Presenter: Scott Taylor and Steve Hoberman
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To find the value data has to offer, it must be structured. A simple way to describe the basic structure needed for your relationship and brand data are the 4Cs: Code, Company, Category, and Country.

  • A CODE tells something is unique: IDENTIFIERS
  • A COMPANY tells who owns it: HIERARCHIES
  • A CATEGORY tells what kind of relationship it is: TAXONOMIES
  • A COUNTRY lets you know where it is: GEOGRAPHIES

About the presenters:

Scott Taylor, The Data Whisperer, has helped countless companies by enlightening business executives to the strategic value of proper data management. He focuses on business alignment and the “strategic WHY” rather than system implementation and the “technical HOW.” As Principal Consultant for MetaMeta Consulting he helps Enterprises and Tech Brands tell their data story. His new book – TELLING YOUR DATA STORY: Data Storytelling for Data Management is available now. He lives in Bridgeport, CT where he often kayaks in Black Rock Harbor. He can also juggle pins and blow a square bubble.

Steve Hoberman has been a data modeler for over 30 years, and thousands of business and data professionals have completed his Data Modeling Master Class. Steve is the author of nine books on data modeling, including The Rosedata Stone and Data Modeling Made Simple. Steve is also the author of Blockchainopoly. One of Steve’s frequent data modeling consulting assignments is to review data models using his Data Model Scorecard® technique. He is the founder of the Design Challenges group, creator of the Data Modeling Institute’s Data Modeling Certification exam, Conference Chair of the Data Modeling Zone conferences, director of Technics Publications, lecturer at Columbia University, and recipient of the Data Administration Management Association (DAMA) International Professional Achievement Award.

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