Webcast : Maintaining Data Governance During Rapidly Changing Conditions

Presenter: Jamie Knowles
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Everything is changing right now. We see evolving systems to suit our changing world, we have exciting new data platform products, we are moving data platforms to the cloud, and data warehouses and data lakes are becoming more valuable. Not only do we need to make these changes quickly and with minimal risk but we need to make sure we have considered the implications on our data and the rules that apply to them. We then need to publish what data we make available, where is it and what rules apply to it. In this session we will see how ER/Studio helps manage and migrate our data all classified against a business glossary and allows Data Architects to work within a collaborative ecosystem with other groups and tools.

Speaker: Jamie Knowles is a senior product manager at IDERA, and has been in the field of architecture and modeling for over 20 years. Jamie has been involved with the evolution of enterprise architecture, data modeling, and data governance and seen its challenges and achievements. He has worked in product management and in the field within the banking, finance, and energy industries.

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