Webcast : SQL Server Database Administration Checklist

Presenter: Andy Warren
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When managing SQL Server there are many aspects that need to be addressed. Some of these tasks need to be addressed hourly, daily, weekly, etc. which further complicates the administration.

In this webcast we will look at the fundamental tasks that should be performed and give you some pointers as how to best address some of these issues. We will also look at some of the tools Microsoft provides to streamline some of these activities. Some of the items we will cover include security, patches, releasing code, addressing performance issues, backups, index maintenance and more.

About the Speaker: Andy Warren is a SQL Server consultant based in Orlando. Andy was a founding principal of SQLServerCentral.com, is the former President of the Orlando SQL Server Users Group, and one of the founders of SQLSaturday. He has been an MVP since 2009 and has written and presented extensively SQL Server. Andy blogs at www.sqlandy.com, is on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/sqlandy, and is occasionally on Twitter as @SQLAndy.

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