Geek Sync Webcast : Are AlwaysOn Availability Groups Right for You?

Presenter: Brent Ozar
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SQL Server's hottest new feature combined the best of clustering, mirroring, and replication to give you high availability plus scale-out reads. Does it make sense for your database server? Brent Ozar has deployed AlwaysOn AGs in high-profile setups like,, and Discovery Education. This session is for DBAs who are considering implementing AlwaysOn AGs, or who are wondering why their AlwaysOn setup is only OftenOn.

Speaker: Brent Ozar loves to make SQL Server faster and more reliable. He created sp_Blitz® and sp_AskBrent®, coauthored Professional SQL Server 2008 Internals and Troubleshooting, and he loves sharing knowledge at He's a Microsoft Certified Master of SQL Server and a Microsoft MVP.

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