Whitepaper : Five Misconceptions About Cloud Migration

The popularity of cloud platforms continues to grow for a variety of reasons. For example, it allows organizations to pay only for the computing resources they use. Cloud computing is a rapidly maturing technology, but many misconceptions about cloud migration still exist. These misconceptions can lead organizations into jumping on the cloud bandwagon without fully developing their implementation strategy, leading them to regret their decision later.

Cloud computing provides a variety of benefits such as allowing businesses to scale their operations without the additional challenges of maintaining outdated hardware. However, this process requires you to avoid the pitfalls that can result from making assumptions about cloud computing and its ongoing operations. A realistic view of your migration can help you realize the full potential of migrating to the cloud.

This whitepaper discusses five of the most significant misconceptions about cloud migration:

  • You do not need a cloud expert.
  • You will always save money.
  • All applications belong on the cloud.
  • Your cloud provider handles all your security needs.
  • The migration will be seamless.

This whitepaper describes five of the most significant misconceptions about cloud migration.

Author: IDERA
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