Whitepaper : Zero to Hero with SQL Server Management Studio

As a developer or database administrator, we have spent our share of time working with SQL Server. In this process of working with SQL Server, the default tool of our choice is usually SQL Server Management Studio. We spend so much time on this fun tool that we hardly appreciate or explore what the tool has to offer. Personal productivity is one of the key things a developer or a database administrator loves to know about.

In this whitepaper, we will look at some of the capabilities available with SQL Server Management Studio that will make each one of us more productive. The whitepaper covers some of the simplest of tricks using Object Explorer and Object Explorer Details that you can start using in your environment. These are simple yet powerful shortcuts that each one of us can use effectively and immediately for our work.

Author: Pinal Dave
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Pinal Dave is a Developer Evangelist. He has authored 11 SQL Server database books, 14 Pluralsight courses and over 2900 articles on the database technology on his blog at http://blog.sqlauthority.com. Along with 10+ years of hands-on experience, he holds a Masters of Science degree and a number of certifications, including MCTS, MCDBA and MCAD (.NET). His past work experiences include Technology Evangelist at Microsoft and Sr. Consultant at SolidQ.

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