Application and Relational Database Performance Monitoring for Multiple Platforms


Track the performance of application transactions into relational databases for multiple platforms from a single user interface

Automated Application Management

The Precise Platform automates the manual process of collecting and correlating performance information for business transactions as they pass through complex IT landscapes including third-party applications, databases, and storage. This eliminates the need for invasive, error-prone traces.

Enterprise Resource Planning Applications

Performance issues affecting ERP applications can translate to lost revenue and lost business if not resolved quickly. Many organizations have tools to track performance for ERP applications, yet still find out about slow performance through end-user complaints. The Precise Platform monitors and measures end-user experience from click to storage across SAP, PeopleSoft, and Oracle Applications better than native tools through your technology stack.

Native Mobile Applications and Mobile Web Applications

Optimize the experience of mobile end-users by improving the performance of mobile application transactions with Precise. Monitor and diagnose the performance of mobile transactions through all of the tiers of the underlying IT systems end-to-end. For each tier, capture the full context of each mobile transaction to enable effective communication with all stakeholders and the mobile end-users. Receive alerts and detect problems before mobile end-users report them to the help desk or they abandon the mobile application. Perform root cause analysis to troubleshoot problematic transactions that hinder mobile applications. Intelligently drill down into the database to track SQL statements, and troubleshoot database response and wait times.

Custom Applications

The Precise Platform helps application support teams determine whether or not the root cause of poor end-user experience can be found in the application tier or somewhere else in the technology stack. From there, the Precise Platform can give recommendations on how to resolve issues in the fastest manner possible.

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Europa Sports is very likely to recommend Precise for this reason: "Precise provides excellent drill-down capabilities to reveal information not easily retrieved otherwise."
Rick Reynolds, JD Edwards CNC/System Administrator, Europa Sports (Medium Enterprise, Wholesale Distribution), USA.
TechValidate 81B-150-0C5.