Case Study: SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server

Plexus Monitors Worldwide SQL Server Enterprise Using Mobile Device

SQL Diagnostic Manager’s mobile console is now part of SQL Diagnostic Manager as its mobile console.

Managing and delivering manufacturing information on time and on budget is critical to Plexus’ business. Therefore, they need to be able to access customer data at all times for accurate reporting purposes. Mr. Tom Lane is the Sr. Database Administrator for SQL Server databases at Plexus. With over 10 years of experience managing databases and IT projects, it’s Tom’s responsibility to ensure that Plexus’ 30+ SQL Server databases distributed worldwide are running strong and accessible at all times.

“My greatest challenge is the 3-hour roundtrip commute I make to the office. While I’m on the road, literally thousands of things can go wrong with our SQL Server databases and little problems can quickly turn into big problems. But I am powerless to fix anything until I arrive at work. I would often arrive at work with lots of fires that needed immediate attention.

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