ER/Studio Available Editions

ER/Studio Data Architect includes all the features you need to create and manage logical and physical data models, including detailed compare and merge capability, naming standards, data dictionaries, and extensive platform support. ER/Studio Data Architect Professional also includes the shared model repository for model change management and version control with branch and merge support. If you’re looking for the next level of collaboration with business glossaries and metadata, check out ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition.

ER/Studio Data Architect ER/Studio Data Architect Professional ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition
Modeling Features
Data Architect (Logical and Physical Data Modeling)
Data Dictionaries Local Local and enterprise Local and enterprise
Dimensional Modeling
Visual Data Lineage / Data Flow Modeling
Business Architect (BPMN, Conceptual Models)
Software Architect (UML)
Model Repository
Concurrent Model and Object Access
Model Change Management
Integration with Jira
Universal Mappings
Version Control (with Branch and Merge)
Team Server (Metadata Repository) *
Views of Models and Metadata
Views of Universal Mappings
Business Glossaries and Terms
Collaboration between Business and Data teams (Discussions, Follow, etc.)
Visibility to Data Source Registry
MetaWizard Import/Export Bridges Model import (subset) Model import (subset) Full import/export
Data Lineage (ETL Bridges) Add-on Add-on
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* Note: Team Server requires a separate Team Server Core license purchase.

ER/Studio Data Architect provides data modeling for multiple data platforms. ER/Studio Data Architect Professional provides data modeling with a shared model repository. ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition provides data modeling, business process modeling, and conceptual modeling with a shared model repository. Team Server Core allows your organization to view and collaborate on your data modelling assets and build a business glossary.

ER/Studio Data Architect Professional helps data modelers and architects to create and manage data models for multiple data platforms. Unlike its competition, it provides the broadest range of data platform support, industry-leading enterprise-level capabilities, visual data lineage and flow modeling, full dimensional modeling for data warehousing and business intelligence, and business data objects to bridge the gap between developers and data architects.

ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition helps data modelers and architects to design and share data models and metadata across the enterprise. Unlike its competition, it provides a complete solution for enterprise architecture and data governance, extensive model change management, unique incorporation of true enterprise data dictionaries, unique linking of constructs across models, integrated visual data lineage import, and integrated data and business process modeling.

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Document and enhance data from multiple database platforms with ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition. We can help you build and maintain enterprise data models and metadata.

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