Datasheet : Precise for SAP


Poor SAP system performance destroys business performance. Organizations depend on SAP transactional and analytical systems to process orders in real-time, close financial books quickly and securely, and provide timely reporting to internal and external stakeholders. Inconsistent or poor performance directly and negatively affects the bottom line. SAP deployments are complex and involve many layers to manage and support from application to database to storage. All too often, these are managed by different teams using different, incompatible tools making it difficult to identify and tackle the root cause of performance problems. To thrive in this environment, IT organizations must embrace an integrated and collaborative approach with monitoring tools that can track performance throughout their entire SAP landscape.

Precise provides end-to-end performance monitoring of all SAP transactions across tiers to quickly isolate issues and correct problems anywhere in the stack. Precise automates the manual process of collecting and correlating performance information to business transactions as they pass through the SAP landscape.

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