

Thank you for interest in IDERA’s Precise for SAP. This is a solution for SAP landscape performance management. It is user-focused. It reveals the application code. And it is server aware. We believe that ultimately Precise for SAP provides better visibility for better outcomes. Let us take a look at what happens. We will actually cover the process of managing the end-user experience. Everybody has tools. But what they do not have is context. This is kind like our secret sauce. And this is just basically just connecting the dots across the SAP landscape. We do have capture a lot of information. It can be kind of summarized for a different use of different stakeholders including the technical experts. And we have a couple of case studies. This video is really about kind of whetting your appetite. Kind of giving you a sense if you would like to learn more. We definitely invite people who want to know more to request a meeting. So, with that, let us go ahead and take a look at our high-level overview. No question about it. SAP is a very complicated application. A minimum of six technologies. Numerous end users. How do you know if an end-user is having a problem? When they do have a problem: Where is it? How do you minimize staff time so that everybody does not go (you know) chasing after (you know) an issue. And so you can see here all of the technology stack is interdependent, and it is complex. Now what typically happens is an end-user tries to do something. Meanwhile, all of the great people in IT are unaware, until the end-user self-reports. And that is kind of a problem right off the bat. Then what can happen is you have kind of an expense time consuming and frustrating process of people looking at the application stack. But they only look at a subset of what is going on. And it is very difficult with just that subset view to answer: Who, What transaction, Where in the application stack is the issue? To solve this, what Precise does, is it connects the dots. And so that end-user transactions starting [with] the browser connection through portal into NetWeaver into your ABAP code, down into the database. And we support Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, and DB2. And into storage. We capture metadata about this transaction. It basically tells us: What user, What location, What transactions are executing. How much is time does the total transaction take? And then every step along the way. And the information is continuously pulled into our historic repository that we call the Performance Management Database. That becomes a single sheet of music for everybody to be able to look at and see what is going on. Now, this is kind of some feedback from customers. They basically said that in the past everybody would open up their own tool. And we chase our tail. But with Precise, we are able to find the issue quickly. So, how do we do it? When an issue comes up, we basically have alerting. So we can basically let people know that there is a performance issue. So you can actually do end-user experience SLAs. And then you can open up Precise. And Precise shows all of the transactions. Which ones did not run meet the SLA? Who was impacted? And then: Where within the application stack is the issue? Now, in this case, we enable the DBA to go in on the very SQL statement that is slowing down the transaction. So, please consider: Who? What transaction? Where within the application stack? On one screen. So, Precise definitely helps you minimize time to resolution. So, that is a very key metric for performance solution. We also have detailed information. Many people run at least a portion of the SAP landscape on VMWare. And so we can actually track virtualization events and let you know when there is contention and the hypervisor is not providing adequate resources to a guest VM that is serving your application. So, we are not going through all of these. This is the high level. So, just real quick, (you know) kind of getting back to business quickly. Let us take a quick look at assessing ECC performance. So, let us drill in here. We go to a screen where we are actually looking at four systems. This bottom system we have highlighted you can see that the average response time is less than half a second. And with 286 million transactions it is quite busy. Over here, we show details about what this system is doing. The y-axis is response time. The x-axis is time across the day. For the time frame that we have dialed in here, these are the outlier transactions. We sort all of the t-codes by response time. So, these here are outliers. You are also able to go into activity and filter by work type. So here we are looking at the dialog transactions. This stacked bar graph: The different tiers are client [time], queue time, ABAP time, database time. Down here, are the transactions that drove this profile. And I am able to click on a transaction and then filter and reveal the end-users that exercised that transaction. Now these transactions are sorted by weighted response times. So, this is a very heaviest user. On top of the screenshot, [I] basically added in a red box to basically focus on users that not only have a heavy accumulated resource consumption but have a slow average response time. And so those were kind of some of the users that are going to focus on in particular. So what we mentioned: End-user focus, technology-oriented. I can easily see what is going on. Just to show you, I can also evaluate a custom report that had been developed. Once again, who are the users, from weighted response time as well as who had very average response time. So, there is a bunch of different ways to slice and dice. We can answer questions about network issues, client, ABAP code, database issues. I think the database is one of the areas where IDERA really stands out. So, that is our brief introduction. And as I said right at the opening, we definitely are interested parties. We definitely invite you to request a demo where we can discuss this further and see if Precise for SAP can help you manage your SAP landscape. Thank you.

An Overview of Precise for SAP

Precise for SAP simplifies problem isolation by clearly reporting on where SAP business transactions spend time. By tying transactions back to the end-users or locations experiencing problems, it helps IT managers understand the real root cause and determine the priority, impact, and scope of the resolution.

Precise for SAP makes it easier to align server and storage capacity with the growing needs of the business by connecting transaction performance with the infrastructure it touches.

Precise for SAP allows business leaders to set business-oriented application SLAs to align performance management with business objectives. This visibility into SLAs and usage patterns enables more efficient budget allocation and tighter matching of system performance to business priorities.

Precise for SAP provides capabilities to analyze various tiers in a SAP landscape, which can be deployed independently of the database underlying the SAP application. Precise for SAP provides the ability to drill into the database from the SAP ABAP t-codes. For any given t-code, identify the resources consumed in the database for that t-code.

Precise for SAP eliminates monitoring complexity by providing a single solution and a common set of data for all personnel across tiers. This access facilitates collaboration among different teams and simplifies consulting additional domain experts that in turn drives faster problem isolation and resolution. Learn More →

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