

This recording will cover the installation of Precise for Oracle. And, this assumes that you have the Precise framework already installed. You go to ‘AdminPoint’, ‘Installation’. And, I have already set up an ‘Application’ here. And, it is a little bit of a specialized ‘Application’. I am going to just go ahead and click ‘Edit’. And, then we will go into [...]. What I did is, I added two ‘Tiers’ of Java. Let me just jump right here to Oracle. And, click ‘Add...’, ‘Add...’. The reason that there is an ‘Add Existing...’ is that a node can live in more than one instance. Now, what we have done is we have actually done a little pre-configuration. So, I have already added the server out. And my Oracle instance, it is also done in a monitor. It is also where my historical repository, the PMDB [Precise Management Database] lives, is on server ‘60’. And, so Precise attempts to do a level of discovery. And, it is indeed found that instance. And, it is also got the listener. Now I have configured, I have granted ‘SYSDBA’ to ‘SYSTEM’. So, I can just come in here and provide the ‘Password’. So, give me a second, I got to consult my cheat sheet. And, so, I come in. And, we are basically just working our way down this list on the left-hand side. The installation wizard (I believe) is quite nice. It kind of guides us through the installation process. Now, truth be told, I am actually doing a reinstall. And, so there is some stuff that is already existing. But, I think it will going to give you a very good idea of where you would specify the user ID and where you would like the schema to live, etc. So, we will just go ahead and let this run. For this installation, I am going to use the default they gave us, but it does exist. For you, you do ‘Create a new user’ and provide a ‘Password’ for it. But, we have already created that in the ‘Password’. So, it is worthwhile here to go to the ‘Advanced’ button, because this gives us some controls that we will definitely want to take advantage of. And, I would like to use this ‘TEMP’ file rather than one of the other ones. It is there. And, just some other things we can look at. We do have special functionality for SAP and PeopleSoft, where we can correlate in end-user IDs (which is very helpful) and also transaction code. So, that should be good to go. So, with that, we are ready to click ‘Next’. And, we go ahead and let it go. Precise very nicely brings up the ‘Preview’ screen, gives me an idea of what the space consumption is going to look like. And, when I click ‘Next’ I will then go to the ‘Installation’. So, it is a little bit off the screen. But, I am going to go ahead and see if I can just work with this. Move this around a little bit. And, let us [...]. Sometimes you just have to move these things up. So let us go ahead and click ‘Install’. And, now the installation process will begin. And, Precise will move the files from the distribution folder via the listener to the destination. And, so (very nice) it is taking care of all of that work for us. So, we are working our way down to the final pieces. Now, the installation wizard can do a lot. Sometimes, it cannot do everything. And, if there is something that it needs us to do, it will actually give us post-install manual installation steps. And, I do not think that this happens with Oracle. So, we will just let this run. And, you can see what it is doing. The very first time that you monitor a technology, it will build out the foundation of Precise. And, so the first install will take a little bit longer than subsequent installs. And, so once the foundation is in place it is then available. With proper sizing, Precise can monitor up to five hundred Oracle instances from one Precise server. That is a ballpark, so mileage may vary. And, it skipped right over the manual action items. And, it went to ‘Finished’. So, very nice. So, you can see that here. And, we will go ahead and click ‘Finish’. And, we will take a look at how do (you kind) of just assess things quickly after you have done an installation. One place I like to come over to is ‘Agents’. And, this is the Precise for Oracle agent monitoring ‘ORCL’, running on server ‘60’. And, you can see that we have a little green man and that maps down here to ‘Running’. The ‘Verify’ button will run a series of test that looks for common issues. And, it can be very helpful diagnosing problems that could possibly come up. And, it says ‘verified successfully’. So, all of its tests passed. Now, when we just start monitoring there is a ‘prime the pump’ phase. And, so, the instance will not really have much data collected yet. But, that does not mean that we cannot start to gather some information. So, it starts to show a little bit. And, I guess that because this was a re-install, it is showing us some of the history that was collected earlier. What I would do typically to verify a brand new installation is come to ‘Current’. And all that I am looking for here is ‘Connected’ sessions. Precise samples once per second to provide a high-resolution view of what the SQL statements are doing and the resources that they are consuming. And, this shows that we are gathering that. The next thing that I would do is come to ‘Objects’. And, just make sure that we can touch the data dictionary. So, that view is going to give us the behavior, the activity. Once every fifteen minutes, Precise will sample the, look for changes in the data dictionary. And, this shows that we can see the data dictionary. So, that includes how we go about. Just verifying that an instance would be ready to, or be monitoring. So, there is a ‘prime the pump’ or ‘bake-in’ period. So, come back in several hours. And, take a look. Make sure that statistics is filling up. And, then schedule all a walk through with your account team. So, that concludes this session. And, just as a little side note: There is a command-line interface to do the same thing. So, large installations can be scripted. That is just something that you might consider. Thank you very much. Have a great day.

How To Install Precise for Oracle Monitoring

Precise for Oracle is designed specifically to keep your Oracle database environment available and performing at peak efficiency. It captures, measures, and analyzes performance metrics from all critical system components and helps you detect and correct the root causes of problems before end users are affected.

Precise for Oracle provides high-level visibility across multiple Oracle and Oracle RAC instances and provides alerting to problems, reports on collected data, and maintains a warehouse of Oracle database performance information.

Precise for Oracle continuously analyzes database behavior to find the poorest performing objects or processes. Historical statistics stored by instance, user and program provide the necessary context to help further DBAs in seeing the entire picture. Learn More →

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