

Thank you very for your interested in Precise for Oracle. In this presentation, we are going to just do a quick overview. The idea is to give you a sense of what the solution can do for monitoring and optimization of Oracle. But we would like to invite you to contact us to go in for a deeper dive. Of course, with IDERA you are more than welcome to try any product. Make sure that meets your needs. So with that, let us go ahead and step through this. Precise for Oracle offers really a phenomenal benefit in that we sample once per second. So, we very closely measure what the SQL statements are doing as they execute. And that is going to tell us where the bottlenecks are. It is also going to tell us where the optimization opportunities are. The solution actually has a built-in report that will tell you “What are the primary bottlenecks?” And it will also provide guidance on how to fix it. Because Precise has a history, it can actually measure before and after. So, you can bring a six sigma approach to monitoring and optimization. The history also gives us baseline reporting, alerting. Precise allows you to isolate by program, by machine, by user. A whole bunch of different dimensions. And the idea is to not just look at things from a database perspective but to also focus and look at things from an application perspective. Precise tracks all execution states, including locking. So you can show the lock tree or the wait states. Precise captures the execution plans. And what that does is that it allows us to kind of turn things around. And we can say: “What are the very busiest tables and indexes on the system?” And then, we can show all of the SQL statements that use those tables and indexes. Because it is really is a 360-degree view of what is happening within Oracle, we allow to really do proactive tuning. That is to avoid alerts, to begin with. Now that said, as we noted earlier, Precise does provide full alerting to automate monitoring of the system. Because no matter how great you have things tuned, things change: Usage patterns, software, hardware. And that is going to drive issues from time to time. And Precise starts off at the environment level showing the operating system. And so ultimately this solution can be used for capacity planning. Alright. This is what the expert GUI [graphical user interface] looks like. In this case, we are looking at one Oracle instance. One Precise installation can actually monitor up to 500 Oracle instances. And now, since I am pointing at this particular instance, this side of the screen reflects that information. And you can see here that the y-axis shows us the total execution time. The x-axis is time across the day. And down here is a findings reports that says: “During this time frame, these were the primary bottlenecks on the system.” There is ‘Learn more’. There is automated drill-in to basically help you resolve the problem. So, because of this, Precise is a lot more than simply monitoring. It is about taking performance to the next level. And gain the very most out of your investment in the hardware, OS [operating system], and database licenses. So rolling in. [...] You can see here that we provide a stacked bar graph. And that stacked bar graph matches to this key. And these are all of the execution states. And so the y-axis is comprehensive. And so on that basis, I would say that Precise always shows where the performance bottleneck is. Now down here we are first showing by: “What are the busiest programs on the system?” And allows me to isolate. And so I can (as an example) click on ‘sqlplus’. And then, Precise will reveal the SQL statements that basically drove this resource consumption. And you can see that this update statement had internal wait, it had commit, a little bit of waiting on storage. And about a third of the execution time is spent on CPU. And so you can see exactly when the update statement executed. Down here are all of the other SQL statements. And we are presenting them to you in descending order by total resource consumption. Now what Precise does is it measures by time. Time is the currency of performance. It does two things: One is that it is the way that the application and end-users experience how fast things are. Number two is that it is a measure of resource consumption. And so, by looking at this, there is always some of the derivation of the 80-20 rule. We bubble up to the top what you need to focus in on. So, this helps you prioritize things. Now back to that drill down. I can go back in. And I can also see upstream into the Java application. And so I can focus on Java callers. And then see what SQL statements came from that particular Java caller. Once again, presented by resource consumption. Now, Precise tracks each SQL statement by a hash value. And it does allow you to rename. So, what I can give it is a name to identify how this particular SQL statement is used. And this is used by the online banking application. And it is shared across multiple transactions. So it is not only used by the account history. It is also used by other online transactions. And so you can get a very good idea of what is going on here. Now any of these SQL statements I can click ‘Tune’. And that throws me into this workspace. And this is designed to be a pre-built workbench. It is going to show me the execution plan. “Which steps are contributing the most to execution time?” And then, this will basically tell me for this SQL statement, we might want to look at parallel coordination, the full table scan. And, Precise was able to capture bind variables. So, I have a lot of different avenues to investigate, figure out what to do next -- including I can come in, look at: “What tables are accessed?” “How big are they?” You can see here that this user information table has no indexes on it. Now I can actually use the recommendation engine to have either Precise or we can integrate with Oracle Tuning Advisor to basically say “What index would you recommend?” And it is saying, “Hey, how about a new index on the user info table comprised of the ID and username column?” Now this is where the magic comes in: Is evaluation. By clicking on this, it allows me to model the change. If I were to make this change, this topic SQL statement would drop from one minute six seconds down to seven-tenths of a second, for a 99 percent savings. And so, you can see that these proposed indexes are going to have a nice impact, not just on one SQL statement but on the entire workflow. In fact, seven SQL statements would improve. Six of them come from my Java, so those are OLTP [online transactional processing] applications. Those are real end-users. So, can this can have multiple benefits in terms of improving the real user experience. Plus, reducing resource consumption at the database tier. Putting things in an application perspective is one of the beauties of Precise because it allows the DBA [database administrator] to elevate and not just show their technical value but their business value. And that is where the money is. So, rolling forward, I can also show what is happening from an object perspective. And so here I can see that the ‘stock’ table is the very busiest table on the system. And I can then correlate to the SQL statements. I can do maintenance on these top resource consumers. And what this does, it allows me to have a high-performance environment so I can avoid problems, to begin with. And so that can be very, very helpful. So in summary: We talked about monitoring. “Is it available, via alerting?” We can monitor the physical environment. If you are running any guest. The host. Precise is Always: On -- 24 by seven visibility. This is not one of those solutions that you have to turn on additional visibility after a problem crops up. Those solutions are always reactive. We want to actually put you ahead of the game. We allow you to drill down on multiple dimensions so that you can isolate end user issues, and be really responsive to the application owners. Precise offers recommendations and modeling. Modeling reduces risk that you are going to make a change in an environment that actually hurts. A change where you might actually shoot yourself in the foot. We want to help you avoid those situations. We did not see much of it during this presentation, but Precise offers dashboards, alerting, and reporting. And that allows for operational awareness and stakeholder communication. So with that: Thank you very much for your interest in Precise for Oracle.

An Overview of Precise for Oracle

Precise for Oracle is designed specifically to keep your Oracle database environment available and performing at peak efficiency. It captures, measures, and analyzes performance metrics from all critical system components and helps you detect and correct the root causes of problems before end users are affected.

Precise for Oracle provides high-level visibility across multiple Oracle and Oracle RAC instances and provides alerting to problems, reports on collected data, and maintains a warehouse of Oracle database performance information.

Precise for Oracle continuously analyzes database behavior to find the poorest performing objects or processes. Historical statistics stored by instance, user and program provide the necessary context to help further DBAs in seeing the entire picture.

Precise for Oracle quickly analyzes SQL statements, database objects, and Oracle instances to uncover specific causes of performance problems. It presents the Oracle access path in detailed steps and displays the statistics needed to understand each step to isolate problems fast.

Once a performance problem is identified, Precise for Oracle allows DBAs to drill down in the context of the user transaction to pinpoint the root cause of the problem.

Precise for Oracle provides DBAs with a library of knowledge and experience designed to help them tune their Oracle environment via recommendations.

Precise for Oracle automatically identifies problem areas and provides actionable advice on how to address them. Before making any change, DBAs can perform what-if analysis to predict the impact of proposed modifications to remove the risk of accidentally making things worse.

Precise for Oracle makes it easier to align server and storage capacity with the growing needs of the business by connecting transaction performance with the infrastructure it touches. Learn More →

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