

Thank you for your interest in Precise for Db2. We are going to provide a very quick overview. We are talking about monitoring and optimization. One of the things that I like to point is that DBAs [database administrators] are definitely in the arena. Your company, your organization depends upon you. And the database performance fuels company performance. The root of every significant transaction is the system of record, and that is the database. And today we are talking about Db2. And so we are going to jump immediately to the live demo. And here is our dashboard screen. We are looking at a single database partition. And you can imagine a system of multiple partitions. You can get information about what is going on. If you had multiple partitions, you would bubble up to the top of the list. Which one is the very busiest? Everything that is shown in Precise is in the context of a time frame. The default setting is the last eight hours. But it is very easy to come in here. Open this up. Bump up the time horizon to a one-week time span. Click OK. We reach out to our historic repository. And we pull back the activity that came up. And you saw -- wow -- there is this huge spike. So I am actually going to zoom in on this huge spike. Here, click on this little focus button. And now we are going to focus in on that time frame. And interesting that during that time frame, looking at the queue, we can see that we have quite a bit of time in locking. And I can then have a couple of different options. I can hover over it. I can actually change this bar into a number. So three hours, thirty-seven minutes, eighteen seconds, and a fraction of time in locking. So we may want to get an idea of what is going over there. Now here you can start to see some interesting things in terms of the top consumers, the SQL statement against the order line table. And we have a stacked bar graph of what did how the SQL statement spent on its time on while executing. And so SQL statements are the drivers of the activity and resource consumption. They go against tables. So we actually have a ranking of where are the top tables that are hit. This is really important in terms of proactive monitoring, not just firefighting. So I can come in, and I can also identify the update statement that drove my locking scenario. Down here I can get information about the buffer pools, etc. There is a second tab with all of the applications. And I can come in here and basically find the information about the driving -programs. For shops that are running SAP, you can actually see SAP modules, t-code, SAP users. We have the same functionality of the same ERPs [enterprise resource planning]. So definitely ask us about that. Precise offers current which shows real-time. I think of real-time as kind of a picture. Most people want to look at a movie. You know, a picture is great, but a movie can tell a story. And so in the activity screen, we can go in, and we can basically segment: What are the top partitions? Within that, what are the top programs? And then this is a ranking of the programs. And then from that ranking I can get into: Alright, well, the application, the program was by far and away the largest. What were the SQL statements that were submitted from that? And so I can go in. I can see those SQL statements. And here is a ranking of the text and there is always like an 80-20 rule. Likewise, where are the top objects? And so answering all of this information about: What is driving resources consumption? What resources are being consumed? And so I can get all of this information very, very quickly. Precise allows me to also get into, built-in as part of the solution, is tuning. So, I just click this little button here that says tune. And it throws me into this workspace where I can evaluate the execution plan. We have recommendations and what-if to actually model changes on the system. This is kind of designed as a pre-built workbench to (you know) kind of work with DBAs [database administrators] to say: Well, what is the next logical question? Well, if you are looking at a SQL statement and execution plan you want to know: Well, what are the table? We want to know the size of the tables. This has one 1.9 million rows. Well, where is that table accessed? I click this little locate button, and it shows me. And Precise also calculates that the big resource consumer is actually (kind of) this nested loop join. That is where the resources are being consumed. Precise does offer the Recommend. The final piece of what we are going to touch in, during this video is the resources. A lot of people ask about kind of gauging different hit ratios over time. And so what we actually show is the catalog, cache hit ratio, the package cache hit ratio, the buffer pool hit ratio. And all of these things are graphed over time. Down here, you can actually see connections and so forth. And that can become very important for looking at certain problems that can develop, actually from the Java tier. So we can get into this with additional information, but Precise is actually is going to show upstream into the application as well as downstream into storage. So the final tab that I am going to click on is package cache. And so here we will basically be looking at kind of each of these in a little bit greater detail. We have Dashboards, we have Learning, we have Reports. So please ask us about that in a one-on-one demo that we would like to do for customers or prospects that have a little bit more interest. Thank you very much for watching the video on Precise for Db2. Thank you.

An Overview of Precise for DB2

Precise for DB2 proactively monitors, analyzes, and tunes IBM DB2 databases to keep your DB2 UDB-based applications available and performing at peak efficiency.

Precise for DB2 captures, measures, and correlates performance metrics from all crucial system components. These metrics give DBAs a complete view of application performance and helps improve end-user response time while maximizing the return on technology investment.

Precise for DB2 facilitates the proactive tuning approach. It provides 24x7, detailed statistics on operating systems and DB2 applications with low overhead. These statistics may be correlated and viewed by DB2 program, by statement, user, time element, and resource consumption.

Precise for DB2 identifies the problem SQL statements, provides easy to understand graphical explain plans, displays the optimized text generated by the DB2 optimizer, and allows the user to test alternative statements while providing a framework for easy alternative statement comparison.

Precise for DB2 collects SQL statements over time in a data warehouse and gives visibility to which statements access which tables or indexes or unused indexes.

Precise for DB2 allows DBAs to identify unused indexes so they can be removed, freeing up system resources. Learn More →

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