Webcast : IDERA Live | Monitor the Performance of Multiple-Platform Databases in the Cloud

Presenter: Bill Ellis
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A wave of change is rolling through IT management. Database administrators are concerned with moving data to the cloud without impacting application performance, determining the best database-specific settings, ensuring that databases are being correctly maintained without access to the full underlying infrastructure, configuring for high availability and disaster recovery, balancing performance and cost, and minimizing the learning curve. The cloud, like other technologies, needs to be managed. In this session, we discuss Precise’s unique capability in monitoring Oracle and SQL Server in AWS EC2 and Azure IaaS environments. Join IDERA’s Bill Ellis to review availability, health, and performance of databases migrating to the cloud.

Speaker: Bill Ellis is a Sales Engineer for IDERA. Some of his favorite quotes are “time is the currency of performance” and “every significant business transaction interacts with the system of record.” While recognizing the importance of availability and backups, Bill is most motivated by optimization. Completing work faster via processing efficiency is intriguing. Bill has worked with the Precise solution set for several years. Most of all, he enjoys helping people.

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