Geek Sync Webcast : Top 10 SQL Server Performance Makers and Breakers

Presenter: Mindy Curnutt
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One of the beautiful things about SQL Server is how accessible it is. It's about as difficult to install as say, Microsoft Office. This is great if you're wanting a sandbox, or a database to support just a handful of users. The problem is that in order for SQL Server to perform as an Enterprise Level DBMS, the "out of the box" install doesn't cut it. In addition, there are design considerations and maintenance that must be considered and implemented to enable the true capability of the platform.

Join IDERA and Mindy Curnutt as she walks through the items that will have the biggest impact for and against scalability. Topics will include Indexes, Virtualization, Maintenance, T-SQL Techniques, Configuration Settings and Trace Flags. We'll finish up talking about the newest features in SQL Server 2017 that are performance focused.

About Mindy:

Mindy Curnutt (5X Microsoft Data Platform MVP) is an Independent Data Consultant out of Dallas, TX. She uses her decades of experience in IT to help companies focus on performance and functionality challenges in their existing software. Mindy has spoken at many conferences over the years (PASS Summit, Tech-Ed, Dev-Connections) as well as many regional SQL Saturdays. You can find Mindy on twitter as @sqlgirl.

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