Geek Sync Webcast : SQL Server Performance Made Easy

Presenter: Pinal Dave
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Every DBA hates to wake up at midnight just to learn there is an emergency with their database. Sometimes, even though their hardware specifications are above par and they know everything was working fine earlier that day, DBAs are still faced with a slow server. Luckily, there are always some early indicators which can help DBAs predict upcoming issues. Proactively monitoring their database and keeping a vigilant eye on the database key areas are mandatory tasks for all DBAs.

Join IDERA and Pinal Dave as he walks through common performance issues and best practices to solve them. This session will include how to identify inefficient queries, how to recognize queries causing blocking and deadlocks, how to resolve wait statistics, and how to analyze wait statistics and resolutions. Pinal will also walk through how to isolate performance root cause with Workload Analysis and how to review predictive performance alerts. This is an interactive Geek Sync you will not want to miss!

About Pinal:

Pinal Dave is a Developer Evangelist. He has authored 11 SQL Server database books, 14 Pluralsight courses and over 2900 articles on the database technology on his blog at Along with 10+ years of hands-on experience, he holds a Masters of Science degree and a number of certifications, including MCTS, MCDBA and MCAD (.NET). His past work experiences include Technology Evangelist at Microsoft and Sr. Consultant at SolidQ.

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