Webcast : Defend Your Database Against Disasters

Presenter: Tracy Boggiano
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Having proper backups for your SQL Server databases is your last line of defense when things go wrong. The most important job of a DBA is to be able to recover the data in the event of a disaster, whether that is a user deleting a record or a hardware failure. To come up with a good backup and restore strategy, a DBA will need to define a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for each system.

Join Tracy Boggiano as she explains the different types of backups and restores that are available: full, differential, log, compression and encryption, and more. She will also walk through partial database backups and restores. Smart backups are new to SQL Server 2017; Tracy will walk through how to implement this new type of backup. Attending this session will help you determine that you have what you need for your SQL Server database backups.


Tracy Boggiano is the Database Superhero for ChannelAdvisor. She has spent over 20 years in IT and has used Microsoft SQL Server since 1999. Tracy covers all aspects of administration. She deals heavily with performance tuning, high availability, and disaster recovery. She is certified in Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE) Data Management and Analytics. Tracy is a co-organizer of a Special Interest Group (SIG) dedicated to advanced database administrator topics in her local user group TriPass. She is currently serving as a 2018 IDERA ACE and just received the PASS Outstanding Volunteer Award for November 2017.

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