Webcast : SQL Server Backup Strategies - Architect a Solid Backup Foundation

Presenter: Chris Shaw
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Recovering from a disaster starts with having a solid, battle-tested backup strategy that aligns to the business goals.

In this presentation, we start by asking application owners critical questions about potential data loss, recovery times, and other important questions that define the backup approach. But how do those answers get turned into a technical approach for a solid backup strategy? What features help us meet those objectives?

By the end of this presentation, you will be able to go through the full design process and walk away with an approach to design an effective backup strategy for your environment.

About the speaker:

Chris Shaw started his database career in 1993 while in the Marine Corps. Following his service in the Marine Corps, Chris continued working with databases for companies such as Wells Fargo, Pulte Mortgage, Yellow Pages Inc, Anthem Blue Shield and Admini Quest. He has been writing and speaking about SQL Server for over 15 years at events such as SQL Connections, PASS, SSWUG Ultimate conferences and founded the Colorado Springs SQL Server User Group. Chris has received eight Microsoft MVP awards. Chris can also be found in print, he has many articles on the SSWUG website, was a contributing author for SQL Server 2005 Bible, SQL Server MVP Deep Dives, Volume 2 and most recently SQL Server 2012 Best Practices.

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