Geek Sync Webcast : Introduction to Performance Tuning in Azure SQL Database

Presenter: John Sterrett
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Have you been interested to see how you can baseline performance and improve performance with an Azure SQL Database? If so, this hour session is for you.

Join IDERA and John Sterrett as he covers the new features in Azure SQL Databases that will help you be an Azure Performance Tuning Rockstar for your company. You will learn how Azure measures performance with DTU's and how DTU usage can impact data loads, migrations, and your daily workload.

Grasp the secret sauce and how to monitor changes in performance to determine if you should pay more or less for the right performance tier for your workload. John will explore which existing tools and processes you can leverage from managing on-premises instances to managing Azure SQL Databases. You will know which ones that need some tweaks and others that need no changes to help you monitor performance. This is a special Geek Sync you will not want to miss!

About John Sterrett:

John is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP, Data Platform certified MCSE, Principal Consultant and the Founder of Procure SQL LLC. Previously, he was a Sr. Database Admin Advisor for Dell, directly responsible for several mission-critical databases behind John has presented at many community events, including PASS Summit, SQL Rally, 24 Hours of PASS, SQL Saturday’s, PASS Chapters, and Virtual Chapter meetings. John is a leader of the Austin SQL Server User Group and founder of the HADR Virtual Chapter.

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