Geek Sync Webcast : High Availability and Azure - Scaling SQL Server to the Cloud

Presenter: Matt Gordon
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Has your manager come to you and said "I expect the SQL Server machines to have zero downtime?" Have you been told to make your environment "Always On" without any guidance (or budget) as to how to do that or what that means? This session will walk you through the high availability options in on-premises SQL Server, the high availability options in Azure SQL Database, and how those can be combined to enable you to achieve the ambitious goals of your management. Beyond the academic knowledge, we'll discuss real world case studies covering exactly how your on-premises environments and Azure services can work together to keep your phone quiet at night.

About Matt Gordon:

Matt is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and has worked with SQL Server since 2000. He is the leader of the Lexington, KY PASS local group, a frequent community speaker, and speaker at PASS Summit 2017 and 2018. He's also an IDERA ACE in this year’s class! His original data professional role was as a database developer, which quickly evolved into query tuning work that further evolved into being a full-fledged DBA in the healthcare realm. He has supported several critical systems utilizing SQL Server and managed dozens of 24/7/365 SQL Server implementations. He currently utilizes that real world experience as a data platform consultant helping clients design solutions that meet their ever-changing business needs.

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