Whitepaper : Cut IT Downtime By Using Server Monitoring Tools

  • Cut downtime by 50%
  • Maximize performance and availability while lowering cost
  • Manage CPU and resource overload
Author: IDERA
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Understand why many large, and even sophisticated, enterprise IT environments have preventable critical failures and learn how to easily avoid these pitfalls. Server monitoring tools have become an essential part of the IT department that it's absolutely vital to be familiar with the most common IT infrastructure problems in order to know when they will occur. Why not take some simple and proactive measures against these problems in order to cut downtime by up to 50% within your organization.

In today’s world, we need to keep our organizations up and running 24/7 with limited or non-existent unscheduled downtime, or face the wrath of IT directors and CIOs.

The key is to apply the principles of effective server monitoring and to understand the pitfalls that continue to take down systems today. By understanding how to manage CPU and Resource overload, Disk Space, and IT Services in your environment, you can help cut unscheduled downtime by 50% or more. To find out how, read on.

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