Whitepaper : IT SLA Monitoring: The SLA Way To IT Success

  • The key drivers to Service Level Management
  • Three Failure Points in Service Level Management
  • Five Steps to Success with Service Level Management
Author: IDERA
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IT organizations are now challenged to build credibility and confidence with business decision makers. This challenge will become especially demanding as the economy further tightens and cost-cutting pressures mount. According to Gartner1, top CIO priorities include improving business processes and reducing the cost of IT.

To ensure their organizations remain a vital and respected contributor to business value, IT managers must aggressively monitor and report on service levels. IT SLA Monitoring is key in translating IT effectiveness into measurable business value. Service Level Management (SLM) is the emerging discipline that revolves around ensuring these agreements are appropriately governed and met.

Given the emergence of SLM, several key questions have arisen:

  • What are the key drivers that make it increasingly critical to monitor and report on IT service levels?
  • How will IT organizations address this challenge and confront the failure points that have undermined past efforts to implement Service Level Management?
  • What are the capabilities of an advanced IT SLA Monitoring solution and what benefits should they deliver?
  • What are the key decision criteria that should guide one’s decision on an SLM solution?

This paper will address these questions and provide actionable advice to help IT leaders make Service Level Management a powerful reality. You’ll learn the best practices to embrace – and the worst practices to avoid – as you embark on your effort to build greater confidence and credibility with the business.

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