Explore all the products and find the right solution for your business
Capacity Planning Query Analysis Cross-Platform Predictive Alerting All-In-One Monitoring
All-In-One Monitoring Query Tuning Workload Analysis Historical Insights Cloud-Ready Optimization
Real-Time Auditing Regulatory Compliance Access Monitoring Audit Logs Cost Control
Permission Management Security Analysis Security Policy Templates Change Detection Risk Assessment
Audit Instances View SQL Server Builds Migration Availability Analysis Workload Tuning
Instant Recovery Advanced Recovery Policy-Based Management Centralized Management Global Infrastructures
Get the right solution to keep your database running at peak performance.
All of the support you need at your convenience.
Seamlessly monitor a wide variety of performance,availability, capacity planning, and system healthmetrics across all platforms.
Analyze and report on the data that matters most. No false alerts,no pointless fire drills—just fast and accurate information to helpyou address issues before they happen.
Begin monitoring in a matter of mere minutes.Once you’re up and running, Uptime InfrastructureMonitor can easily scale to over 100,000 elements.
Unify your IT performance monitoring andoptimization with Uptime Infrastructure Monitor.