Solution Brief : ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition

ER/Studio 19.0.1 - New Business Glossary Functionality

In ER/Studio 19.0.1, users can expect a host of new Business Glossary features and capabilities, empowering organizations to use Team Server to manage and publish their Business Terms and map them to data models.

The latest additions to ER/Studio’s Business Glossary …

  • Extends the capabilities of ER/Studio Business Glossary such that it will:
    • Satisfy the needs of modelling the information of large organizations
    • Provide the ability to model an ontology with taxonomies
    • Allow exchange of Business terms with other modelling tools
  • Maximizes the value of Business Glossaries by:
    • Allowing analysis through attractive visualization
    • Allowing users of Data Architect to map business terms to ER objects
    • Providing a new wizard to bulk harvest business terms from valuable logical models
Presenter: Jamie Knowles
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