Case Study: SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server

Money Management International relies on IDERA to keep SQL Server running in top form


“MMI has experienced a huge amount of growth in the last four years and it has been a challenge from an IT perspective,” said Don. “Many of our critical business applications are based on SQL Server and were not designed to scale the way we needed them to. Our IT staff has spent a lot of time managing transactions on servers, managing throughput of the servers, and making sure that everything is running as optimally as possible.”

“When I started at MMI about a year ago,” continued Don, “My first job was to get the big picture of all of our databases. Job management and performance monitoring were especially painful. We just didn’t have enough tools or manpower to get the job done well and on time. Considering the importance of SQL Server at MMI, we couldn’t afford to have badly performing servers or failing jobs.. So, I began the search for some tools to help us manage our SQL Servers more effectively.

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