Webcast : Performance Tuning Your SQL Server Database and Maybe Even Your Data

Presenter: Aaron Nelson
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Performance tuning for SQL Server can be a tricky business. When deciding what to change to fix the problem you may face the issue of “Fixing one problem isn’t going to cause more issues with something else, is it?” or “SQL Server keeps adding features to tune itself, so we don’t need to worry about this anymore, right?”. Well both of these may be true, there is still work to be done and choosing the correct path can make all the difference.

In this session, we will go over key performance issues affecting both OLTP & OLAP workloads, show how to identify them, and options for correcting them. And while SQL Server has made great strides in improving performance automatically, some fixes are a little less obvious, some fixes require talking to your end users, and sometimes, it’s the data itself that needs to be performance tuned.

Join this webcast to learn how to improve your SQL Server performance.

Speaker(s): Aaron Nelson is a Microsoft MVP for SQL Server (Data Platform) and leads the PowerShell Virtual Chapters of PASS, and volunteers for the local PASS Chapter AtlantaMDF, and helps organize SQL Saturday events in Atlanta.

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