Webcast : SQL Server Performance Tuning - Advanced Techniques

Presenter: Andy Warren
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Often all it takes to fix a slow query is adding an index, but sometimes the problems are tougher than that and you have to move to more specialized approaches. In this presentation Andy Warren shows you how to use hints, indexed views, plan guides, and the query store to solve some not so common performance problems. Plus we'll look at a bonus trick for when you have many tenants with wildly varying amounts of data. Andy also shows examples of problems that you should take back to your developers - it's not always something the DBA can fix (though we often Band-Aid things to make a fix). You might not use all of this stuff we'll cover every day or every week, but you will definitely find uses for many of the items we will cover to improve SQL Server performance.


Andy Warren is a SQL Server consultant based in Orlando. Andy was a founding principal of SQLServerCentral.com, is the former President of the Orlando SQL Server Users Group, and one of the founders of SQLSaturday. He has been an MVP since 2009 and has written and presented extensively SQL Server. Andy blogs at www.sqlandy.com, is on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/sqlandy, and is occasionally on Twitter as @SQLAndy.

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