Geek Sync Webcast : The Five Essential Scripts for Performance Tuning

Presenter: Pinal Dave
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Performance Tuning is a complex subject and one of the most critical. Every business owner wants his server to run faster and every DBA wants to make sure that they know the tricks to improve the performance of SQL Server. This session crafted for all those DBAs who like to be hands-on while tuning their SQL Server.

Join IDERA and Pinal Dave to learn about the five essential SQL Server scripts which every DBA must know about Performance Tuning. At the end, attendees will walk away with the script which they can use on their server to gain additional performance.

About Pinal:

Pinal Dave is a technology enthusiast and independent consultant with over thirteen years of experience in the information technology sector. He has successfully authored 11 SQL Server database books, 18 Pluralsight courses and written over 3200 articles on database technology via his blog Rounding out his professional career, Pinal has held key positions as Sr. Consultant for SolidQ and as a Technology Evangelist for Pluralist and Microsoft. Pinal holds a Master of Science from the University of Southern California, and numerous professional certifications, including MCTS, MCDBA and MCAD (.NET).

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