Whitepaper : Beginning Performance Tuning

  • Understand the inner workings of SQL Server
  • Learn how to improve performance
Author: Pinal Dave
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Performance tuning is the methodology of systematically identifying bottlenecks in applications, and improving performance. There are some places to start performance testing. Performance for an application can be a problem on various dimensions: Operating system, deployment (such as virtualization or not), platform (such as web server, and frameworks used), database, and configuration settings. It is possible to tune each of the above dimensions in different ways and configurations. However, in essence, performance tuning is fundamentally about proper planning. Also, performance tuning is an art. Most often we are pushed to explore new ways to do performance tuning and testing.

This whitepaper discusses performance tuning, its process, and the top six SQL Server tools. It looks at a possible approach to performance troubleshooting. Start from essential tools to find a high-level problem area, and then dig deep into solving the problem. The idea is to make the primary initial diagnosis, perform proper tests, and finally find what would be a proper solution to performance problems in our SQL Server database.

Presenter: Pinal Dave

Pinal Dave is a Developer Evangelist, and Technology Enthusiast. He has authored 11 SQL Server database books, taught 11 Pluralsight courses, and has written over 2900 articles on the database technology on his blog at a http://blog.sqlauthority.com. Along with more than nine years of hands-on experience, he holds a Master’s of Science degree, and some certifications, including Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS), Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA), and Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD) for the .NET framework.

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